Also renewed for a second season was ""Whatever, Martha" with Alexis and Jennifer on the Fine Living Network on September 23rd. Martha will be joining the girls on the show this season for a special episode where she reflects on her favourite episodes of the show with the girls. It should be one to watch! Everyday Food and Everyday Baking will continue on PBS. Check your local listings for all the air times.

great news, I guess. Only one thing, Alexis Stewart is not a "girl". Lexi is well into her 40's, and although her preoccupations and attitudes about some things might seem girlish, she is a grown woman.It would be nice to some day see her do something on her own, with no connection to MSLO,instead of her perrenial gig as "Martha's snarky daughter".
I like Alexis Stewart. I see nothing wrong with her staying younger - if she turned into her mother then everyone would complain. She seems to enjoy doing her own thing, and who can blame her for doing things connected with her mother's million dollar business. She would be mad not to.
I am really looking forward to the new series of Martha. The poster is intriguing and I wonder if they are going to have more audience participation with their theme of 'hands on'. I am hoping to get to see a taping at the end of November when I am in New York.
i'm not living in US, or even canada, so i don't have a chance to go and see a martha taping that often. however, i have managed to be there twice in the last 2 yrs. i'm visiting NYC in coming october and will request tickets to a taping, naturally!
i do enjoy your blog, it is visually very pleasing and i do like how you write. how on earth you get some of the information? do you have a mole in MSLO? ;)
take care
Andrew -- do you know if anyone in Canada is going to air the show, now that CBC has canceled it ?
I guess I will have to get a digital box - that will be the only way to watch the show in Toronto
I cant wait for the new season! If I have to see that noodle episode in Australia its repeated the next day and on Sundays they run a marthathon of the whole week so I have seems some of these episodes 6 times. That being said I referred to a copy of the mag from 2003 last night to learn how to make diamond star quilted pillows...
I am literally in tears now. How can I watch Martha? As a Canadian, they won't air the US channels and now can't get it on CBC (the only show I watch on that station) Are there no other options??
And to Anonymous - most women (me included) prefer to be called girls. Quit being pretentious and obnoxious. Being called a "Woman" sounds degrading, plus its aging. We don't LIKE it!
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