When Blueprint magazine was still in circulation, I would inevitably be dazzled by the styling, décor and crafts of its lone gentleman editor: Shane Powers. Issue after issue, I would see his name next to a photograph or article that I found especially interesting. In a recent issue of Vogue Living Australia Shane was profiled and a new side of this multi-talented designer was revealed.

The Brooklyn-based art director and stylist is now also contributing a seductive new line of ceramics and self-crafted home accessories for a store in Kathmandu called Pipalbot, a chic design emporium run by a husband-and-wife team of Australian and Nepali descent, respectively.
Shane's collection includes hand-forged brass paperweights, blankets, hand-woven flat weave rugs, flatware and, most notably, ceramic tea sets and mugs, shown above. Shane is still a contributing editor to Martha Stewart Living but it's wonderful to see him blossoming as a sought-after designer. Congratulations, Shane!
He has a very interesting web cite & blog: http://www.shanepowersonline.com/
VLA is a fantastic magazine!
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