The good people at Hearst Brand Development, who are the designers and merchandisers behind the Country Living line, sent me these preview photos of some of the housewares from the line.
Given the warm relationship and understanding Martha Stewart Living and Country Living have always shared over the years, I'd say the new brand is a suitable and promising replacement. What do you think?

We don't have K-Mart in Alaska anymore so whenever I visit my daughter in Ohio (as I did over the labor day weekend), we always drop in to see what the Martha Stewart line. The K-Mart supercenter we visited has barely any MS product left; a good many were on clearance - I bought some glassware sets at 2/1. I was hoping to pick up a few other things, but all of her bedding and curtains had disappeared, and the only kitchen items were a few pots and pans and the aforementioned glassware. I'm so glad I bought as much as I did back in June. We don't have a Macys here either but at least I can order online. I'm really going to miss Martha's Christmas line at K-Mart. I hope she reestablshes her line somewhere quickly; in the last few years, the quality of the K-Mart stores deteriorated--shelves were poorly stocked and the stores themselves seem grimy. Not at all fitting for Martha Stewart. I'm not sure the Country Living line will excite me as much as the Martha Stewart line did; I doubt I'm be shopping at K-Mart again.
Here in Philadelphia, all of the shelves have been cleared of MSE products. I purchased a lot of towels from her 5 star line (they are really luxurious) and a bunch of Anchor Hocking glassware. It actually is sad to think that MSE will no longer be at KMart. Personally, I don't care for the Country Living products and I certainly can't see myself getting anything Jaclyn Smith. KMart has lost a customer here.
I'm anxiously awaiting to see where Martha will take her products though. Honestly Andrew, I don't see why Martha just doesn't reestablish relationships with some of the producers of her Martha by Mail products. It would be nice to see L.E. Smith, Fenton, Frankoma, Robinson Ransbottom, etc... boost production in this country and get people working. What do you think?
The K-marts I have been to, here in Chicago, have had ALL MS products on clearance and Country Living products have taken there place--in evey area.
When I was in there Monday I said to my friend that "this will be one of the last times I enter a K-mart." I only ever went there for Martha Stewart Products. I was always able to count on one hand how many times I went to K-Mart before Martha started selling products there. Now it seems taht Sears is in danger. I am only too sad that I have to wait another year for Martha Stewart at Home Depot to come out!! I guess I have Macy's still.
I should say that "Yes" it is a comparable replacement of what they once had.
I don't know how warm and fuzzy the relationship between Martha and Country Living has been. I suppose "pleasantly professional" would be the best way to describe it, as each used the other to their own advantage, and very sucessfully, I might add. It is no secret that CL founder Mary Emmerling was quite jealous of Martha at various points in their respective careers; and vice-versa - although Martha decidedly less so. However, as each enterprise grew and flourished over the years they came to a sort of mutual truce, and an understanding that there was enough fame and fortune to go around for the both of them.
It was announced today about Martha and the Home Depot. Outdoor furniture, closet systems and home decor will be offered in the US starting Jan '10 and Feb '10 in Canada. Her agreement with Lowes and her line of paint ended on 9/1/09.
Thought you might like to know that the Country Living line is now in stores - you can check it out here:
Love to know what you think of it!
It seems that as others have stated, you can find good clearance deals on Kmart Martha Stewart products. I blogged about a Kmart in NC, where I also found some really rock bottom deals on Martha cookware.
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