
Martha's New "Everything Pressure Cooker" Available November 7

"Martha Stewart's Pressure Cooker" book has been out for a few weeks now and those who enjoy cooking using this method will likely find the book to be a beautiful (and useful) addition to your cookbook library. Most of the recipes require using the appliance itself while others do not: recipes that complement the main courses. On November 7th, you'll also be able to purchase Martha's first ever cooking appliance! The Martha Stewart Everything Pressure Cooker will be available via Amazon and QVC. This 8-quart appliance is hard working with 14 programmable settings that cooks your food up to 70% faster. You can slow cook, saute, and steam; make yogurt and cereal; keep food warm, and so much more. Also included is are a cooking rack, serving spoon, rice measuring cup and a selection of Martha-approved recipes. If you don't have a pressure cooker yet, Martha's might be a good one to start with!

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