
Martha Stewart 2025 Book News!

Spring is just around the corner, and in just over a month, Martha's 101rst book will be on bookshelves! Martha's readers have waited quite some time for a new book on gardening, but that's the subject of this new, hardcover book: Martha Stewart's Gardening Handbook published by Harvest, will be on bookshelves on March 18th. It is currently available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Target.

Harvest is the same publisher that produced The Martha Manual and her book Organizing. I imagine the book will have a similar approach and layout with gardening how-tos, planting schedules and design ideas. 

In other Martha book news, Crown Publishing will be reissuing Martha's first book, Entertaining, in October. It will not be any different than the original printing but it will be published on higher quality paper, according to the publisher. New interest from a new generation of fans interested in collecting Martha's books apparently prompted the reissue.

Above is a photo of the cover of Martha Stewart's Gardening Handbook and here is a description of the book from the publisher:

The first fully comprehensive gardening guide from the legendary Martha Stewart in more than 30 years, with everything you need to know to curate a beautiful, thriving garden

Master the art of gardening with Martha Stewart's Gardening Handbook: an in-depth guide that will teach you the knowledge and skills to cultivate a flourishing garden. From understanding soil composition to learning about different types of plants and gardening methods, you’ll discover the secrets to creating a stunning outdoor oasis.

From designing your garden to selecting the right varieties for your region, this manual has every detail covered. Whether you’re a green thumb or a gardening novice, this gorgeous book, filled with practical tips, stunning images (many from Martha’s personal gardens), and detailed explanations, will arm you with the knowledge to help your garden thrive. As Martha likes to say, gardening is a never-ending opportunity for growth.

Martha covers:

  • the nuances of careful planning
  • soil testing
  • drainage
  • watering and rainfall
  • understanding plant hardiness zones
  • the art of choosing the healthiest plants for your specific climate

Plus, all different kinds of plants like:

  • annuals, perennials, and bulbs
  • succulents and cacti
  • vegetable and herb gardens
  • trees and shrubs


A Nice Surprise from a Special Reader

A few weeks ago, I received a lovely surprise in the mail. It was from Amanda Graff, a former assistant chef, recipe developer and producer from Martha's television studios in Westport, Connecticut. Unbeknownst to me, Amanda had been following my blog and its companion Instagram account for many years and this was her thank you to me for the enjoyment she's received from the content I produce: a very fun Martha Stewart ornament designed by Cody Foster, which she sells on her website. I was so touched! 

Amanda received a diploma from the Culinary Institute of America in the 1990s and her first big gig out of college was working at the television kitchens of Martha Stewart Living! I remember seeing Amanda in a segment of the show making "Gingerbread People" with Martha to decorate the tree with. Today, Amanda is a mom to two young boys and describes herself as a shopkeeper, a cupcake baker and cookie decorator. Her store, CrankyCakesShop.com, is a curated catalog of tableware, baking supplies, party supplies, holiday decor and vintage finds. Her Etsty store has even more goodies, including this special Martha ornament. Thank you, Amanda, for your kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. 
If you'd like to order the ornament, click here! Amanda also ships to Canada!


Martha (is rarely) On The Mantel

 If you're on social media or involved in Martha's fan community, you will have heard about the fantastic new Christmas decoration taking the world by storm: it's Martha on the Mantel! (The spelling enthusiast in me needs to ask you to please take note that mantel is spelled with "el" at the end, not "le". Not even Amazon got it right!)

The toy, which is a spinoff of the traditional Elf on the Shelf has been extremely popular with fans who are reveling in the childlike enjoyment of watching their idol get silly around their homes, in true Elvish form. And she doesn't always act alone... Her sidekick, Snoop on the Stoop, frequently aids and abets Martha in her wily shenanigans. Always the activity-lover, Martha rarely sits on the mantel for long. Below are snapshots of Martha and Snoop making mischief in homes across America. 

Leading the pack is a favourite series of mine (with captions!), put together by my friend Brian Utz. 

Thank you to everyone on the Martha Moments Facebook Group for submitting your photos. They are so much fun!

Jennifer Butler Zimmerman
Chris Argiropoulos
Kevin Link
Mark Waldron
Anthony Picozzi
Bernie Wong
Dennis Landon
Paul Henneke
Jody Lunsford Mekanik
Austin Clark
May of Martha
May of Martha
John Roberts
Christa Trepke


Martha: The Cookbook, Out Today!

 Today's the day! Martha's 100th book is published. Martha: The Cookbook features 100 of Martha's favourite and time-tested recipes that she turns to again and again. And she hopes you will too! From the perfect roast chicken to her mother's pierogi recipe, from the perfect brownie to her daughter's famous chocolate chip cookies, the book has every meal of the day covered, including a section on Martha's favourite cocktails. 

Interspersed throughout the book are Martha's personal remembrances from her kitchens over the years, as well as cooking and gardening wisdom that makes the book both a learning guide as well as a journal of sorts. Beautiful photographs, including some from Martha's private archive, enrich the book with colourful memories. There's even a section in the book on how to organize your own recipes and some tips on writing a cookbook! Be sure to pick up your copy! It is available through Amazon or where ever books are sold.

Here's a full description of the book from the publisher:

Join Martha in the kitchen as she shares favorite recipes and invaluable tips along with charming photos from her private archives. Her most personal book yet, Martha: The Cookbook is a must for everyone who has ever been inspired by the one-and-only Martha. Learn how to cook her mother’s humble Potato Pierogi, her decadent Gougères, a comforting Apple Brioche Bread Pudding, and the famous Paella she makes for the luckiest friends who visit her in summer. You’ll find something to satisfy everyone’s taste, whether it’s a simple meal you make for yourself, a weeknight family dinner, or a special celebration, recipes range from breakfast & brunch to soups & salads, hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, dinner, and of course dessert.

Like a scrapbook of Martha’s life in cookbook form, this is the ultimate collection for devotees as well as newer fans who want to become more confident in the kitchen and do what Martha does best: Start with the basics and elevate them. From timeless classics to contemporary delights, these recipes reflect storied moments from her legendary, trailblazing career.


A Chat With Eater.com

I was really honoured to have been featured recently on Eater.com as part of their weeklong celebration of Martha Stewart. Dubbed “Martha Week”, the editors of the famed foodie site spent the week reflecting on some of Martha’s greatest tips, greatest books and the influence she’s had on popular culture and food culture.

It was Nat Belkov who reached out to me. He is the James Beard Award-nominated design director of Eater. He was interested in doing a profile on me and the Martha Moments blog and community. I was so pleased to take part, and it was really nice to reflect on how I started the blog and how it came to eventually create a vibrant community of Martha Stewart fans from around the world. 

Click here to read Nat’s interview with me and be sure to read some of the other great features from Eater’s Martha Week series! Thank you, Eater, for the great feature!


A Fan's Review of "Martha"

Having recently watched the Netflix documentary about Martha (called simply, “Martha”, directed by R.J. Cutler), I feel as though I know her a bit better, and respect her even more than I had before. The revealing nature of Martha's interviews will surprise many, but this exposure of her more vulnerable side was likely the main purpose of the film. Martha’s cultural image as a person who is somewhat aloof, somewhat above the fray, is challenged in the documentary with extremely frank, honest and at times emotional interviews with Martha about the more personal aspects of her life - sometimes at the expense of a thorough examination of the worlds she's built in business, publishing, television, and at home.

For those expecting a documentary about Martha’s work and legacy, the film may be a disappointment. Martha had given full access to all of her archives, both professional and personal, and in a New York Times interview online she expressed surprise and discontent that the producers of the film had not used that access to full advantage. She also says that too much time was spent on the criminal trial and her subsequent incarceration, and I tend to agree.

Much more could have been said about Martha’s cultural relevance and how that relevance was achieved – much more about the “why” rather than so much of the “what.” This would have required more analysis of the cultural dynamics during the 1980s and ‘90s: Martha’s ascent and peak. The trial and its fallout were significant, of course, and there’s no question that period in her life radically altered the trajectory of her career – and the careers of many others. It deserved to be in the documentary, certainly, but not a full quarter of the documentary.

There were some stylistic elements, too, that I found a little bit jarring. I was not fond of the comic book illustrations that appeared throughout the documentary. It took me out of the narrative and seemed at odds with Martha’s aesthetic. Using footage of Martha’s gardens and kitchens and rooms in her homes during narration would have been a more interesting alternative to the cartoonish drawings. This would have subtly shown aspects of Martha’s achievements and passions in her personal world: slow pans of Martha’s peony garden in full bloom, or the cracked-ice terrace at Skylands, or the kitchen at Bedford, or the luxe, dark tones of the Brown room, the antiques, the crystal, the stables, the pine-needle pathways, the greenhouse, the flower arrangements… Footage of her private world could have been used instead of the drawings and the viewer would have a more accurate understanding of her aesthetic and the atmospheres she builds around herself for comfort and display.

There was only brief mention of her renovation of Lily Pond Lane in the early 1990s, but nothing was said about any of her other homes, gardens, kitchens or legendary parties where so much of her talents are on full display. This was a missed opportunity.

The consistent deferral to her relevance to a youthful audience highlighted the filmmaker’s preoccupation, rather than any true analysis of why this relevance is important. Much more time could have been spent on what she was teaching and why those lessons were so important to so many people around the world, how that shifted the culture, how it influenced magazine publication, how it inspired entrepreneurship, etc. Once again, the subject of her life’s work was treated as almost incidental and unimportant – homemaking as an artform. By glossing over this, the film unintentionally belittled the relevance of Martha's work over the relevance of Martha as an older celebrity.

Having said that, the personal admissions and confessions by Martha about some of the more shadowy aspects of her life were fascinating and captivating as a viewer. She does discuss uncomfortable subjects, such as her divorce, unfaithfulness, and some of her difficulties maintaining lasting relationships, both personal and professional. It reveals some of her vulnerability, which I’m sure was uncomfortable for her. But I think the audience, for the most part, will find this aspect endearing. Showing herself to be a person who is not immune to emotional pain, to some bad decisions, to feelings of loss and regret will humanize her to many.

This is clearly not the documentary Martha wanted, given her comments to the New York Times, although she seems to be at peace with the result. I personally feel that a docu-series is required to fully illustrate the complexities of her life as well as the legendary achievements of her career, which is still unfolding, by the way! But anyone interested in the subject of Martha Stewart must watch this documentary. I think it is enlightening in surprising and revealing ways.