I think this issue is so special to me because it represents a change in attitude and an increasing awareness of the boundless possibilities of love, commitment and togetherness. As someone who married his partner three years ago in a legal ceremony in Canada (where gay marriages are recognized legally on a federal level, from coast to coast) it is heartening to see others embracing the opportunities that change and understanding can bring to a democracy. Congratulations, Tim and Chris! (And congratulations Martha Stewart Weddings for this, the second gay marriage to be featured in the magazine. I know it's not political. It just feels wonderful to see the mainstream embracing people like us.)

The ceremony took place in front of the stables.

Aunt Martha, the hostess, with the guests of honour.

Gorgeous displays could be found around the property. The event was primarily designed and arranged by David Stark, Ann David and Nicky Reinhard.
Throughout the afternoon, guests could sample mini pies and mini vanilla-milkshakes with tiny chocolate-chip cookies as garnishes.
And here I am (left) with my husband Tomás on our wedding day, October 13, 2007. Ours was a low-key ceremony and reception at my parents' home, but the meaning and importance of that incredibly special day was beyond imagining and resonates with us both to this day.

Lovely wedding!
I have not seen the issue yet. Can't wait. It brings me tears to my eyes. Finally to see people like Martha featuring gay weddings. The pictures are gorgeous. What a beautiful day. My son is gay and someday he said that he wants to get married. He is only 19 now but I hope that he will find the love of his life. At least in Canada it's legal. He will not have to fight for getting married. Happy New Year!
Hello Andrew,
What a great issue! Love the photos, can you imagine getting married at Martha's place? Wow!
Love all the details and decorations, just exquisite!
I am so happy to see that the world keeps changing and for good...finally!
A place for everyone.
You and your husband look so cute on this photo. Love it!
And most important you both look very happy.
~ Gabriela ~
What a wonderful photo of you and Tomas! I love it! I'm so very proud of Martha Stewart Living for reaching outside of their 'core demographic' and feature this wedding.
I thought the correct term is spouse, which is gender neutral? Partner is also acceptable and neutral. Husband has a male connotation by definition. Can there be two husbands? Please don't tell me you're the "wife"?!
Haha! No, I'm not the wife. There are no "correct" terms. That's the beauty of these new freedoms. I call him my husband, he calls me his husband. As a couple, we simply say we're married. Other couples may have their own terminology, which is fine.
I am from Massachusetts and the Sunday Boston Globe has been publishing announcements of same-sex marriages for awhile. I am so happy to see that. I will buy the MSL Weddings issue as soon as I see it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo.
I saw the photos online of the wedding and I really loved the relaxed style of it all. I am so proud the MSLO is recognising unions of all couples now. And of course, the photo of you and Tomas is very lovely indeed.
What a gorgeous wedding! You can see Martha's influence in all the details. I really love that the flowers and decor are beautiful but without being overtly frou frou or feminine, if that makes sense. In Australia same sex marriage is not legal but the issue is gaining political momentum. I hope Martha's choice to feature same sex marriages in her magazine influences public opinion in the USA and also here in Australia.
p.s. Thanks for sharing your own photo, it's lovely.
What a lovely photo of you and Tomas! I'm pleased to know that Canada officially recognizes what the US seemingly refuses to do - that loves comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. I count myself very lucky to be married to my sweet husband of 16 years and can only hope that other couples, regardless of gender mix, can experience the same.
I applaud MSLO for their recognition of gay couple weddings. It's forward thinking and long overdue in this country. Thank you for sharing Andrew! I love it!!!!!!!!!
well i suppose the term significant other may not convey a legally binding union. There was a market called Grand Union years ago in Miami. Or the term wedding party would that be sufficient?? I think that term would work this notion of a Grand union , well only to minimize the shock value or confusion on the part of someone, who has no idea of the chosen lifestyle, and engages in conversation and some how the matter of a domestic partner is mentioned. According to Catholics marriage is a sacrament so all these terms bandied about in the context of a religious ceremony is just that a religious ceremony term-- this creation of a contract, in the eyes of a state body or country has many layers legally and when one enters into a contract of any sort read before signing.
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