
Introducing "Martha Wrap"

My friend Kenn recently discovered a brand new Martha Stewart product from her expanding grocery line. It is called "Martha Wrap" - a parchment/aluminum foil combination that protects food from any metallic taste with the parchment side while enhancing cooking speed with the benefits of foil. In almost every food demonstration Martha has presented using aluminum foil, she has suggested first lining the foil with parchment. The new "Martha Wrap" takes care of these two steps in one roll. On Oprah the other day, Martha mentioned that the company is developing more patents (including a craft punch designed for the corners of paper) and Martha Wrap will likely also join the list. The product is currently only available in limited quantities at Safeway stores in the United States. To see more of the product, visit Kenn's blog, House Blend, which you should be reading anyway! You can find out more about how to use it by clicking here.


Kenn said...

Thanks, Andrew!
Unfortunately, Martha Wrap is not available in my immediate area, but friends on the west coast are sending me a 'stock' of it to carry me through the holidays.
I think it's a remarkable idea!

Laura Bear said...

oh wow. this is awesome!

Anonymous said...

For anal Martha fans only!(and I mean that in the Freudian sense, of course)I've never noticed a metallic taste when cooking with foil, although I usually use foil just to cover a casserole or whatever, and it doesn't usually come into direct contact with food. I suppose if you are making those fish pouches with veggies that you make with foil or something like that.

Good Things by David said...

Anonymous, why do you hide? I think it's a great idea not to have anything corrosive touching our food. Safeway you say? I'm going to have to look for it @ our local Genuardi's!

Nicole said...

Just bought and used this wrap for making cookies and I will never use it again. I am a big fan of Martha's but this wrap did not work well. In the oven, the wrap rolled up on itself, even though it doesn't do this when you put it on the pan and place the cookie dough on the pan. When it rolled up on itself, it smashed some of the cookies at the edge. I do not recommend this product.

Anonymous said...

I know that this is an old post but the product, as introduced by Martha, was never recommended for lining sheet pans nor cake pans.