Why on earth would we let cameras film a whole year of us making mistakes, making arguments, making nice, making lists & making our bed and then having to lie in it? Because we re-discovered a lot of things that a lot of the rest of the country has forgotten about. We learned first hand how difficult it is to make a living as small farmers in America. We experienced the make-or-break importance of one's neighbors, and also what it means to be a good neighbor. We learned that village Main Streets can only stay vibrant if people get up from their couches and TV sets and stroll along them. (After tonight's premiere, of course.)
We hope that The Fabulous Beekman Boys will share some of those same lessons with people who have no idea where their food comes from or who their next door neighbor is. We hope it may even inspire people and couples at a transition point in their lives. And if it means people will laugh at us as they're learning from our story, well, that's even better. Because we'll let you in on a big secret:
We're not all that fabulous.
But we mean well, and we work hard.
And that's the most important lesson the Beekman has taught us.
xoxo Josh and Brent
I don't remember if we've talked about this before but I looked all through Rogers programming and don't see Planet Green available to us here in Canada. Do you have the inside track on this? I'd be willing to pay for the whole channel just to see the 'Boys'!
I've never seen it either, Ailsa. I'm hoping that the episodes will be available online at least.
I just got Planet Green and can't wait to watch! They are SO fabulous.
I know that the UK won't have this, but I will be checking on You Tube and wish Josh and Brent the best of luck with the programme.
I just found out that Josh wrote a book based on their experiences at Beekman called "Bucolic Plague" which is a clever title. I think it is a new release, perhaps to coincide with their show.
Yes, I've read the book and will be reviewing it this weekend for the blog!
You can download episodes from itunes
Sadly, not on the Canadian i-tunes.
I'm glad someone answered my rejected comment asking whether the show was on iTunes.
The comment wasn't rejected it just did not publish for some reason. Blogger is not infallible it seems. (Shockingly, neither am I!)
are you the heir to the Brompton folding bicycle fortune?
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