In fact, lilacs hold a place of continued discussion - and some discord - in our family. My grandmother loved to grow them and had at least 15 trees in her backyard, plus one large one at the front. She would not, however, cut the blossoms for arrangements indoors, believing her mother's old superstition that having cut lilacs indoors brings bad luck. She never tempted fate and denied herself the beautiful display and sweet fragrance of cut lilacs on the living room coffee table. My father, a great lover of trees, resists the common lilacs the way he resists cologne. He finds their fragrance too heavy and dislikes their looks when they are not in bloom, which is most of the time: "Just a plain, weedy-looking tree," he concludes. While he may have a point about their Plain-Jane looks during most of the growing season, I cannot accept his assessment and I fully intend on having a lilac grove in my future yard.

The lilac, a deciduous variety of shrub that can also grow to the height of a small tree, blooms throughout the spring, beginning in late April, throughout May and into the early days of June. The foliage of Syringa patula, the most common and most fragrant variety, turns a plum colour in fall. The beauty of lilacs is their hardiness and their easy care instructions. They are hardy from zones 2 to 7, meaning any lilac-lovers who have to suffer through long, cold winters will be rewarded by the arrival of those luscious blossoms come spring. (In fact, in order to bloom prolifically, the lilac requires several months of deep freeze, meaning those who live in tropical or sub-tropical regions have to go without these northern delights.) When the new season's sun begins to warm the earth, the lilac rejoices. They love full sun and rich, well-draining soil with neutral pH levels. The soil they grow in should be evenly moist and new seedlings will require deep watering for the first season of their lives in your garden.
Below are some photos of these virtuosities of spring.

Andrew, sadly I am one of those unfortunates that cannot enjoy lilacs any longer, as here in Phoenix, they will not survive. But I remember them well, as I lived in Minnesota for 40 years, and I remember how they perfumed the whole downstairs when I had a big bouquet on the dining room table.
This will no doubt make you laugh but when my brother and I were just youngsters, we moved to a farm on 280 acres in Minnesota. One day we were out playing and exploring our new surroundings when we caught a scent unlike we had ever smelled before. I kid you not, like bloodhounds we sniffed the air in the direction from which we thought it came. Continuing to sniff the air, we walked a little farther across a beautiful meadow...and there they were...huge lilac bushes next to an old, weather-beaten and abandoned farmhouse. Lilacs always bring back that treasured memory.
I went to school in Rochester and lived in an apartment right next to Highland Park for a year. It was so wonderful to throw open the windows and let that intoxicating smell drift into the apartment. I even got to see Martha when she was in town for the festival once. If lilacs weren't already my favorite flower, they would be after spending time in such a beautiful park.
Thank you, Andrew, for that article celebrating one of my favorite flowers! But I didn't know about the superstition that having them in your house brought bad luck! I hope there's no truth to that, as I've always had an arrangement or two in the house when they are in season.
That's an old, old superstition. I'm not sure what the origins of it are. I just know that my Scottish great grandmother NEVER had lilacs indoors, which is the tradition my grandmother carried on. It's probably an old Gaelic myth or something... I think you'll be fine! :-)
Carillon, Gail and Katie, thank you all for sharing your lilac-scented stories with us! I think lilac is one of the sweetest scents out there.
I went last year to Lilac Fest and bought the perfume to get the free Martha Stewart lilac. I didn't think it would survive the winter since the cutting was only 3 inches long. It did and produced flowers this year. It is like an asian variety.
The soil they grow in should be evenly moist and new seedlings will require deep watering for the first season of their lives in your garden.
One day we were out playing and exploring our new surroundings when we caught a scent unlike we had ever smelled before.It did and produced flowers this year. It is like an asian variety.
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