
Martha (is rarely) On The Mantel

 If you're on social media or involved in Martha's fan community, you will have heard about the fantastic new Christmas decoration taking the world by storm: it's Martha on the Mantel! (The spelling enthusiast in me needs to ask you to please take note that mantel is spelled with "el" at the end, not "le". Not even Amazon got it right!)

The toy, which is a spinoff of the traditional Elf on the Shelf has been extremely popular with fans who are reveling in the childlike enjoyment of watching their idol get silly around their homes, in true Elvish form. And she doesn't always act alone... Her sidekick, Snoop on the Stoop, frequently aids and abets Martha in her wily shenanigans. Always the activity-lover, Martha rarely sits on the mantel for long. Below are snapshots of Martha and Snoop making mischief in homes across America. 

Leading the pack is a favourite series of mine (with captions!), put together by my friend Brian Utz. 

Thank you to everyone on the Martha Moments Facebook Group for submitting your photos. They are so much fun!

Jennifer Butler Zimmerman
Chris Argiropoulos
Kevin Link
Mark Waldron
Anthony Picozzi
Bernie Wong
Dennis Landon
Paul Henneke
Jody Lunsford Mekanik
Austin Clark
May of Martha
May of Martha
John Roberts
Christa Trepke

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