
The December Issue: Two Covers

Surely, the December issue of Martha Stewart Living ranks as the favourite for most of the magazine's readers. The editors have created two covers for their annual holiday issue: one for subscribers, one for the newsstands. I love the cool, desaturated sophistication of the subscriber cover, shown below with its minimalist wreath; rough-luxe meets arts-and-crafts. And the red title gives it that festive pop. The newsstand cover, featuring the stockings, is a bit more traditional and warm but still feels modern. Which cover do you like better?


  1. That must be the most miserable cover ever. If I didn't buy every Martha magazine then I wouldn't be inspired to pick this off the shelf. The UK magazine covers for December are excellent this year. This one is 'different'.

  2. I am highly disappointed in this cover. I'm sure the content is good as usual and that I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but this says nothing about the holidays for me, even in an artistic view, in my opinion.

  3. I actually really love it, but there is another cover for the newsstands featuring more traditional Christmas stockings.

  4. I really love it, the simple aesthetics of it ...

  5. I have to say I'm disappointed all the way around with this issue. The subscriber cover - don't care for it. It does nothing for me. The newsstand cover is a bit more holiday-ish, in a very muted way - not my favorite. The holiday content inside this issue was the biggest disappointment. I remember when the December issue was so chocked full of good ideas you weren't sure which project to tackle first. This issue is lacks the "Martha feel" cover to cover. It would rank at the top of the list for the poorest issue of the year. I love all things Martha... but this one gets two thumbs down.

  6. I have to agree with Kenn unfortunately. I am not only disappointed in this issue, but also with the November and October issues. With The Martha Stewart Show gone, I had hoped to get my Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas excitement from Martha in these three issues, but 2012 has shown to be a major bomb for the holiday season in the Martha Stewart world. This is just my opinion. I was also disappointed that the Martha Stewart Halloween magazine was a repeat from two years ago and that there isn't a Martha Stewart Holiday magazine this year. I hate to say it, but I still have January and February issues coming before I have to renew and I'm thinking of not doing it. I love Martha Stewart but so far this year, I am highly uninspired to be honest. Looking forward to her Countdown to Christmas on her website but I'm assuming it will be recycled content. Hopefully 2013 will be better. If I don't renew my subscription for March, I may just be picking up the thicker special issues for Halloween and the Holiday season next year, that is if they are created. Those are much better considering there is no advertising in them, and are just full of great ideas.

  7. Well I've always said I appreciate diversity and I do love hearing all the different opinions! I really enjoyed the issue, from start to finish. It's one of my favourites this year, in fact. And I like both covers a lot. Maybe my tastes are changing, but this issue speaks to me more than last year's December issue, and the year before that.The seasonal flowers article is gorgeous, Martha's tenant house looks calm and inviting with its restrained decorating palette. (I'm so over red and green!) I love the article on festive crackers and the pies and cakes look delicious. The only article that seemed out of place was the one on yogurt. (Leave the diet stuff until January, thanks.) The theme seems to be 'unexpected' and 'unconventional' and both of those words and ideals excite me far more than 'traditional' and 'typical.' I'm impressed by the push towards something different. It feels like evolution, something this brand desperately needs.

  8. I just knew the stockings were for the grandchildren. Do not children like bright colors? oh well. Andrew have u read the blog the Iron Whisk? The kid kid yes kid lives in Canada he is most impressive either he is a prodigy or Canada has a very good educational system he is passionate about the subject matter . perhaps your readers will be as impressed as i.

  9. Anonymous, Canadians are generally very talented - but I guess I'm biased! :-)

    I just looked at the Iron Whisk and it's a great blog! Maybe I'll interview him for Martha Moments. Thanks for sharing the link.

  10. I'm still not keen on either cover but I would pick the second over the dreariest wreath in the world. Where's all the greenery and 'Martha'ness? Such a pity. As the Queen of all holidays her cover and content should be the best there is.

    Oh, and Andrew, these numbers and codes to leave a comment are impossible to get!

  11. While I agree 100% with most of the comments here, i think I should point of the gems of this issue... Agreed the subscriber cover was awful! I saw this and wondered who was getting fired!

    I loved loved loved Gifts from the farm, "From Martha"

    Check out Martha how she can-can on page 29!

    Spirited Cocktails: lacked Spirit... =(

    Homemade Yogurt! heres a winner! page 80. Not sure how "Holiday" it is but i'm grateful this is here.

    Caramel Candies 101 page 99... did't we do this already? and then again in two special issues?

    I think Page 122 is the hidden gem of this entire issue! I love Kevin Sharkey! I'm already shopping around to try and recreate that tree! anyone remember his Bonsai "trash-can, tree dip" (try saying that 10 times fast! LOL)from two years ago? he's so amazing!

    The news stands cover page 128... a article titled and through the woods, we might remember was martha's guest house decor last year and shot for this years release. Based off the reports i thought there would be more "teddy bear" presence.. The stocking silhouettes of deer and bears for the newsstand cover on the also make great xmas tress ornaments here page 132. However again needed more antique bears on page 136. I guess perhaps we should have kept Mr. Fritz around? Just an observation!

    Christmas Brunch Menu page 141-142... AMAZING!

    Page 145 Lemon Mascarpone Crepe Cake! Theres this most amazing cake boutique on the upper east side of NYC named Lady M's! Truly one of the most amazing spots in NYC in my opinion... I think this cake was inspired by that place. (I wish i could post photos here and i would prove it) However i'm not sure i'm sold on all the frosting on the top and sides... check out this recipe i turn to when i need some lady m love and i'm not near the city...


    An entire article on the "cracker" page 148-155 this was basically a waste of print.

    The entire section of desserts pages 156-163, for years i have longed for a good recipe for the beehive aka the bienenstich. Growing up german there used to be this german bakery nearby, I can't wait to surprise my grandmother with this on Christmas morning!

    and thats about it folks.

  12. Martha's fans are nothing if not opinionated! She has trained us well! :-)

    Pru, thanks for letting me know about the comment codes. I've changed it to make it simpler.

  13. I don't really hate the subscriber one and the contents I just glanced through,but it was the october one that did me in! That was the worst one yet and the content was disapointing.I always look forward to oct.through dec.and the special issues,but this year really not so good!When I renewed my subscription they said I would get the special holiday issues! What holiday issues? I just Know for the past twelve years were great. barbara

  14. I think you're right, Andrew.. we all have been well trained to know what appeals to each of us.. Diversity.. the joy that makes the world go 'round! Happy Holiday season all! Don't forget to look at Staples.. Martha has some great wrapping paper and tags available with her home office line!

  15. I saw the ad in the December issue, Kenn! Can't wait to see it up close!

  16. I was really disappointed in this year's December issue. I prefer the newsstand cover, but was surprised MSL didn't follow tradition w/multiple covers on all issues. Somehow it didn't feel as magical this year, and with no MS Show or special holiday issue this year, I was expecting a lot more of the DIY we've come to expect from MSL. Either someone else is calling the shots, or Martha has lost her mojo. Hopefully the former is true and Martha can turn things around.

  17. Catherine from ConnecticutNovember 11, 2012

    What does everyone think about MSL including fashion and beauty advice? Personally, I don't read MSL for those types of things and I think it wastes pages on advice that is not the core of Martha's brand.

  18. Hi Andrew, both are beautiful. The first one is different to what Martha usually chose for her cover but it is simple and ver elegant. I feel the second so more Martha, in terms of color and design.
    Traveling back to London this Thurs for a month, can't wait to see the christmas decorations and feel the christmas spirit. Love it

  19. Catherine, I agree. I never read the beauty/fashion stuff. It's not their field so it's hard to take seriously, and it's clear that it's just for advertising purposes.

  20. Rowaida, I have yet to experience London at Christmas. It's a dream of mine! This year I'll be in New York City, however, so I'm excited about that!

  21. Andrew, I´m having problems to download the clip art from the December issue. Both the "farm gift labels" and the "paper crafts" are unavailable... Do you know anything about it?


  22. The best thing I did was buy almost all of Martha's christmas books on ebay. What a great collection and her holiday dvds.
    But I do like this years christmas magazine. barbara

  23. something happen to my comment.Barbara

  24. Rowaida,take me with you to London !!! barbara

  25. Love MSL. Have subscribed since yr. 1 - the Dec. subscribers' cover was disappointing. Would not have purchased on the newsstand, seems rather washed-out. Prefer the "stockings" cover, guess I am more traditional. Used to buy copies for friends when there were great articles (mostly antiques or Christmas) but not lately.

  26. The December issue still hasn't shown up on my ipad... I thought it was being published on November 5th? Is there something wrong with my app?

  27. THe subscriber one is elegant.. Really like it better than the newstand one.. I guess I like white more.. A fun question , Thanks
