
Martha's Thanksgiving DVD Giveaway!

When I discovered that I had an extra, sealed copy of Martha's Classic Thanksgiving DVD in my storage room, I decided to play Santa and give it away. One Martha Moments reader will win this increasingly hard-to-find collection of Thanksgiving segments from the Martha Stewart Living television program, which includes Martha demonstrating her best and most inspiring Thanksgiving how-tos, including: preparing turkey five ways, the best stuffings, favorite side dishes, special desserts, table settings and decorations, kids' Thanksgiving crafts, plus special features such as how to carve a turkey, how to present and serve a turkey, a visit to a cranberry bog and ten how-to demonstrations! Over two hours of timeless Thanksgiving inspiration and how-tos! 

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment on this post describing why you like my blog, Martha Moments. Be specific! It's that simple! Be sure to leave a name with your entry. The winner will be chosen at random. The winning entry will be posted on the blog and the winner must contact me by email to receive the DVD, which is in perfect condition and is still sealed in its original packaging. Anyone in the world can enter and it will be shipped to your address free of charge. Good luck and happy commenting! The comments will be closed on November 23 and the winner will be announced on the 24th.


  1. Hi Andrew, What a treasured find and generous chance at a gift. I often read your blog and posts on Facebook. I like when you look back at older issues of Martha publications. It brings back great memories and reminders of some handy suggestions I've forgotten. I like to see different perspectives of the Martha empire and appreciate your opinions on the present and future drive of her business. Keep up the good work!
    Sally Hackney

  2. Andrew,

    Thanks for this giveaway. You have captured the essence of Martha on your blog. I love how you also show how you bring a bit of Martha into your world. It's always a joy to see a new post from you.

    Jim Eber

  3. Well, Since Thanksgiving is a long time favoite of all holidays for me, I always look forward to seeing the November issue of Martha's Living and even many times - more than the grand December one. For me in far and hot Israel, it brings the cozy atmosphere of the season from a different continent - and along many memories from my times of living in NY - it brings lots of challenges in cooking and crafting at home. Great idea for a giveaway, Andrew!

  4. Andrew..all the info AND a giveaway?? Wow! Let me say that I love the fact that your Martha Moments blog is so informative on all things Martha but also you look forward but also the remembering.What we learn from both of these motions has been very enlightening.I love the info on the Martha by Mail. I found treasures in the old copies of my Martha magazines. I don't know if I can explain what a feeling it was remembering how excited I was when I first got them. And then being in the moment of all the great product that I enjoy now from them. Thanks for letting me share..as you do all the time.

  5. Wow what a fantastic giveaway! I have so loved reading your blog and getting the inside scoop of what's going on in Martha's world. Thank you for the up to date information about all the new things happening with Martha, like her new special store with in a store at JC Penny's.

    ♥ Ashley


  6. What a great giveaway! I Love and read your blog for the "looking back" posts. Up until we had two floods in our basement, I too had the old Martha By Mail catalogs and the little supplements that came with my renewal of the magazine. Sadly several years worth of the "classic" Living magazines were lost as well. It's also fun seeing some of the "behind the scenes" and inside scoop along with your perspective on all things Martha on your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. Thank you for this give-a-way opportunity and the invitation to post our thoughts.
    Simply put, I enjoy this blog as it celebrates the wide sweeping positive change that Martha Omnimedia has brought to our culture. Her willingness to celebrate homekeeping and giving us access to the absolute best information in many areas of her personal interest have changed the advertising and publishing world for the better.

  8. I like this blog because I enjoy entertaining and your blog has a lot of tips and inspiration! Thank you!


  9. I like this blog because I enjoy entertaining and your blog has a lot of tips and inspiration! Thank you!


  10. Your blog is clean, professional yet warm, and visually stunning. Always a great read! Thank you, Garci

  11. I like the blog because you are very good looking.

  12. Hi Andrew! I enjoy reading your blog posts and connections...very informative and inspiring. More power and more energy. Hope I will get this chance to get your giveaway. Thanks a lot for your Martha Moments and more... Grace Florendo

  13. What a great way of cleaning house! Your blog is a fantastic way of keeping up to date with everything Martha! It is a place to find out what is going on, and a place to tell you things we have heard. Your collected Martha images are a great source of inspiration to me. Keep up the great work!
    Bill Makela

  14. I have all three of martha's holiday dvd collection, they are the best dvd's ever.So who ever wins this dvd is going to be really happy because its a great one.So good luck you guys. barbara

  15. 77 million people !!! on a You tube video MS said 77 million people shop at K mart each month!!!. she was a guest promoting her book entertaining and I have heard Letterman was a resident of Westport too so was he neighborly did 77 million people shop at K mart each month maybe it was 38.5 folks that visited twice a month??? anyway it was a video that made me think K mart never fed me when I shopped there boo hooo

  16. Hi Andrew! I love your blog because you show how Martha has inspired you to bring beauty into your life. I love how she has taught us all to enjoy even the small details of holiday celebrations.

  17. Andrew, I love reading your blog. I find it to be very informative and up to date. I especially find myself more dependent on it since Martha's daytime show was cancelled. Keep up the good work, and thank you for the chance to win a Martha product.

  18. Hi Andrew
    I love your blog. It has inspired me to bring out all my past Martha Stewart mag. And remember the good old days. I have followed Martha since she began. It has been a fun ride and now you are an inspiration to a whole new generation. What a beautiful clean blog you have. I check in everyday. Thanks for all that you do to keep good taste going. Martha

  19. Hello Andrew!

    I love your blog and follow it well because I find that you really do a great service to the MSLO brand. You bring it to your readers in a unique way and I'm so glad to have found it.

  20. I love your blog because it's beautifully done and chronicles _all_ things Martha. You were gone for awhile and I am so glad you decided to resume.

  21. Hi Andrew, I'm a new reader, I found you thru FOLK magazine. I loved seeing so many beautiful photos of past November MSL issues. I'm inspired to try some of the ideas featured on my own Thanksgiving table next week. Thank you! Diane in Columbia, SC

  22. Thank you for the give-away, Andrew - what a treasure this DVD is for any Martha fan... Especially one like me! :)

    I love your blog because it expresses sincere appreciation and an insightful understanding of what Martha brings to our lives. I enjoy the benefit of your perspective on all things Martha and very much look forward to every single post.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and to those that love you!

    Janet Bridge

  23. Andrew,
    I am so glad I came across your blog.
    I love reading your blog and sharing our love for everything Martha . I have the entire collection of Living since the beginning and can't share her teachings enough with everyone I come to know. People always comments , how you do know all these things?? I say Martha of course ! :)
    Martha is such a wonderful additional to everyone's daily lifes. Who else has been the teacher to all of us .They don't teach home ec in school anymore. She is a God send and a joy to watch . I can't think of a better way to add another layer of Martha's own love for living the best you can but in dvd form . You are so lucky to have met her in person ! I'm jealous !! Thanks for everything and sharing her knowledge, love and passion for life. It makes us passionate in return !

  24. I love, not just like, the Martha Moments blog because it's my one stop for Martha news (publications, television, new Macy's products) and insight. Plus, I do love reading what everyone else thinks in the comments.

    A special shout out to the design, layout and font, of the blog. If it was unaesthetically pleasing I don't think I would come back quite as often.

    - Marc C.

  25. Marc C. you are the winner! Please contact me to get your DVD!
