
Martha Moments Readers Celebrate "Gardening"

The publication of a new Martha Stewart special issue magazine for the newsstand two weeks ago had the Martha Moments crew doing veritable cartwheels. Martha Stewart Gardening is a 100-page magazine put together by some Martha Stewart Living alumni. It is a one-off publication that will be on newsstands until mid-June. It is also being sold on Amazon. Recently, on the Martha Moments Facebook Group, one of our members, Michelle Zabell, suggested we all take photos of the issue (or photos of ourselves posing with the issue) once we had purchased it, like the devoted readers we are. We had a great response from so many people! Below are the submissions we’ve received to date. Everyone is so creative! People are loving this issue.

Justin Giannunzio
Anthony Picozzi
Brian Utz
Chris Tamez
Michelle Zabell
Jennifer Doherty
Joseph Patz
Christa Trepte
Bernie Wong
Dennis Landon
Andrew Ritchie (me!)
Cindy Hamel
Becky Seebach
Capy Catterton
Frederic Khaler
Allison Barnes
Todd Hall
Sharon Van Hooser Thompson
Kim Oliver Kingrey
Jennifer Butler Zimmerman
Gwendolyn Garrison Tomlin
Antonio Valente
Jeremy Lambertson
Monique Dussault
Leah Glidden DeVos
Darryl Moland

A big thank you to everyone who took part and submitted a photo!


  1. Thank you so much for doing it. It was fun and a great idea keeping our group togetherness is always important and the love of Martha.

  2. Kim KingreyApril 02, 2024

    Thank you for putting this together! It’s lovely and fun
