
Cottage Days

Hi everyone! I have just a few brief moments to let you know that I'm enjoying some time away at the family cottage this week. The weather, thankfully, has been beautiful and we've been swimming a lot, exploring the natural surroundings and spending lots of quality time with family and friends. I should be back to a regular routine next week. In the meantime, please enjoy these beautiful photographs of a hummingbird feeding on the deck at the cottage, taken by our friend Sharron - a talented photographer. Hummingbirds are magnificent animals. They are the smallest bird on the planet and yet can see and hear better than humans with a heart rate of over 1,200 beats per minute! See you next week!


  1. AnonymousJune 27, 2012

    GORGEOUS images.
    Have a great vacation!

  2. I wish you a womderful vacation Andrew! These photos are stunning!
    Best wishes

  3. AnonymousJune 28, 2012

    Have a great vacation. We'll be here when you get back.
    And thanks for the amzing photos!

  4. AnonymousJune 30, 2012

    Yes have a great vay K but somins up with alexis's blog boohoo

  5. Thanks, everyone! We had a great time!
