
My New Column at Beekman1802.com

I'd like to introduce you to a new weekly column that I will be hosting at Beekman1802.com. Many of you know about my affinity for this homegrown business out of Sharon Springs, New York, and my fondness for the 'fabulous boys' who created it: Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell. The column arose out of a conversation about the power of imagery, a passion that Brent and I both share. We are fully aware of the power images have on our moods and how they can dazzle and inspire us. With this mind, Brent wanted me to share five of my favourite images with Beekman visitors in a column called Five Beautiful Things. My job is to select five images that inspire me (and hopefully you) and make them pertinent to the season, to a philosophy or to a theme and share some thoughts on why the images were selected, why they're important and perhaps what they say about us. I hope you'll visit each week to see the latest crop! Click here to read the first installment; it's all about the senescence of winter and our reflections on the cozy season that was. I'll set up a permanent link in the "Links I Love" section in the menu bar.
Follow me on Pinterest if you'd like to see my image gathering in action! I know a few of you already do!


  1. Andrew, how exciting for you! Congratulations! I love your first photographs! they truly are exquisite and evocative (a very Martha-word don't you think).

  2. Congrats Andrew! Looking forward to your weekly post. I will pin on pinterest under inspiration boards. Best wishes and a wonderful weekend
