
New Plans For the Martha Stewart Show

When I read the news this morning, I really wasn't sure what to make of it: Rumors? Gossip? A bad dream? Several reputable sources have been reporting, however, that The Martha Stewart Show will be cancelled in April. For a moment, I really did feel like crying, but then I remembered how resilient Martha is. She'll be back. Update: In fact, on January 9th, Martha announced on her show that these articles we have read in the press are "not entirely accurate." Martha said that a show would be back on Hallmark in the fall but that The Martha Stewart Show as we know it would not. She said the show would evolve into something new.

Thank goodness she'll be back! Here is Martha putting the rumours to rest about her show and her line of Home Depot paints. She also discusses her recent trip to the Bahamas with Alexis and Jude.

Lisa Gersh, president and chief operating officer of MSLO, told a conference last month that the plan is to bring the television production in-house, rather than leasing a studio, which she said would significantly reduce their cost margins.

At this point we will have to wait and see what form the television department takes as it moves forward. I can tell you, from first-hand experience, that the people who produce The Martha Stewart Show are delightful, brilliant people with so much talent and verve. I'm sure they will continue to delight and inspire us in the future with new content and a new show! Stay tuned!


  1. Very sad news. Hallmark channel was never a good venue for Martha. She needs to be on one of the 3 big networks or Food or HGTV.

  2. It's always a disappointment when news like this comes out... you wonder about the many people who put the show together. However, it comes as no surprise when it was mentioned at a recent event that production was going "in house" and the big studio in Chelsea would be closed at the end of their lease. It made you wonder if the show would end and something else come along.

    We'll have to watch closely over the Spring/Summer to see what happens. You're absolutely right.. this isn't a tremendous blow... Martha & Co. will land on their feet - perhaps just in a different format.

  3. anicOne of the biggest problems with Martha being on the Hallmark Channel based on many fan's blog posts was that hardly anyone actually had the channel. Either Hallmark wasn't part of the cable package or they had to cut back on cable due to the economic climate.

    Another problem I thought was that Hallmark didn't allow for viewing full episodes of the show on their website. This is a missed opportunity that many companies continue to make. Many businesses still aren't taking advantage of targeted advertising that online viewing provides.

    I hope that by bringing the production in-house it will allow Martha & Co. more control on the distribution of the programming.

  4. NO!!!!! I hate this news. There is a part of me that misses the old Martha, the intensive hands on learning that she gave us on her old show. That's one reason we LOVE her new baking show. As you said, she'll be back, better than ever.

  5. Sarah in Tacoma WAJanuary 04, 2012

    I too was very sad at first but then thought 'she'll be back!'
    There is no way that she'll totally give up a platform to promote her many products and brand in general.
    I wonder if her current contract prohibits her from airing a new version of the Martha Stewart Show on another network other than Hallmark? If it does, the show may lay in wait a few more years until the Hallmark deal is up.

  6. Time to regroup and reconsider. And you are right: Martha and Co are resilient, energetic and talented, and they will be back. For me (a very long-time, loyal viewer) I have grown impatient with the endless promotion of MS product on TV. Hopefully there is something good that will come from this surprising news.

  7. Martha once mentioned that she had plans for the contemporary house on her Bedford property. Wouldn't this be a great place for a new on-location studio? The structure is far enough away from the main house to be a private work space and large enough to house several studios.

  8. Please hashtag #SaveTheMarthaShow on twitter. thanks

  9. I was disappointed this morning when I found out that the Martha Stewart show will end in April! However, I was not too surprised due to their move to the Hallmark Channel. I myself do not have the Hallmark Channel, and it didn't help that I could no longer watch full episodes of the show online. Martha & Co. provides great information for so many people and therefore they will definitely be back; I look forward to seeing what's next for Martha!

  10. If production went in-house, wouldn't it be like her original non-live show?

  11. Oh sad to hear that, I love her TV show. I hope that Martha is planning for something bigger and I am sure it will a successful project.

  12. Mareng StewartJanuary 09, 2012

    Knowing Martha, she is always ten steps ahead of everyone. She probably is cooking up something new. When God closes a door, he opens a window so I am looking forward to this new chapter in Martha's life.

  13. On the 1/9 show, Martha announced that her show isn't going away. It will be in a new format when it comes back in the fall.

  14. I've updated the post to reflect the new announcement. Amazing how one reporter can screw up so much!

  15. Hopefully come this fall, her show will return to the way it used to be. In a home, no audience or guests promoting things, and shorten the show to half an hour (like how Martha Bakes is). Lucinda Scala Quinn is amazing too and should return as well. Emeril and Marc Morrone aren't doing it for me. Eliminate The Hallmark Channel Daytime block. Have Martha's refurbished show air at 10AM and Lucinda air at 10:30AM with a prime time repeat of Martha at 8PM and Lucinda at 8:30PM. Very simple. Along with that, have Martha do her usual one hour holiday themed specials.

  16. I hope Martha will come back to network TV. Her show is entertaining and informative. Her recipes and tips are the best. I am so glad she has a grandchild to share with.
    I love her show.

  17. It's sad to hear that the Martha Stewart show has been cancelled by Hallmark. Hallmark was never a good fit for that show...my cable company wouldn't even renew the contract with them since their viewership wasn't worth what they would have to pay to have Hallmark in their channel line up.
    Now, I hope the show will be aired so I can watch it again.

    Shame on you Hallmark...you're not worth watching at all!!!
