
Saying Goodbye

When I started the Martha Moments blog five years ago I had no grand scheme propelling my weekly (often nightly) posts; there was no singular aim, no true 'destination' in mind. I simply wanted to blog about Martha Stewart's offerings to the world: her magazines, her television shows, her books, her houses, her vision of what a good life was all about. So inspired was I by her company and its numerous media that I was compelled to document it, archive it and share this passion with others. It was always a labour of love.

I certainly had no idea it would eventually lead to meeting her on two separate occasions, including filming a segment of her TV show with her in New York!

My first exposure to Martha Stewart Living magazine was in 1995. I was a senior in high school, focusing on my art education. Amid a sea of old magazines that our class used for inspiration there was a clean, bold cover that immediately took my attention: a laughing blond woman holding up a vintage dress at a flea market under a title that seemed to say it all: Living. (September, 1993 issue.)

I pored over that magazine with an interest I had not felt before. The content was warm and comforting, conjuring memories I had of growing up, of excursions to antique markets with my mother, of drawing landscaping plans with my dad at our old kitchen table, of sampling my grandmother’s cooking and of taking pride in the little things our family accomplished around the house each day, each week, each holiday. This was a celebration of living life to the fullest at its most essential apex: the home. More than this, I was learning things and expanding on those memories with a new sense of knowledge and insight, broadening my understanding of home maintenance and deepening my appreciation of creating beauty at home, understanding why it was important and moving forward in my own life with a desire to impart this knowledge to others.

The first issue I purchased myself was in 1999 while I was in college, a wonderful issue with Martha on the cover surrounded by a bevy of felines. It had been four years since I had seen that 1993 issue in art class but through television I had gotten to know “Martha Stewart” quite well, and the interest and appreciation had deepened. I vowed to get every issue from that point on and I kept that promise. (I also purchased a backlog of issues on eBay, expanding my collection to encompass every issue from 1996 onward.)

“Why?” I am so often asked. “Why does a young man from Canada have such an interest in Martha Stewart Living?” The answer is not at all complicated. I am an artistic soul with a natural reverence for home, architecture and domestic tradition. I am curious and I am always eager to learn. I am visual. I am creative. And I love life. No other magazine celebrates life in such a remarkable way, with such a beautiful presentation of ideas and information. The Martha Moments blog emerged as a result of my desire to celebrate this brand I came to adore, and to join with other readers of the magazine, viewers of the television shows, listeners of the radio programs and users of the products.
But the time has come now for me to put Martha Moments on hold - at least temporarily. The reasons behind this decision rest somewhere between the personal and professional spheres of my life. I just feel it's time to say goodbye.

If you'd like to keep up with me, I will still be maintaining my personal blog (called simply Andrew's Blog) and actually hope to be able to devote more time to developing it, posting about my many other interests (Martha-related topics will show up there too, no doubt!) and sharing a more personal perspective on design, food, books, film, fashion, art, life and love.

For those of you who MUST have a Martha fix, I strongly urge you to read the blog of my dear friend Kenn ( House Blend ) and, of course, Martha's personal blog. Please use this blog as a resource and archive. It would be a great honour to me to know that many of you will still continue to use it and visit some of the older links. (If you want to read more about me and Martha Moments, click here.)

I worked very hard on Martha Moments (the design and the content) to make sure it was of interest to her fans: if I was interested in it, surely others would be too! I would hate to see it all go to waste, so it's here if you need it - all kinds of information about her products, her homes, her business, her TV show, her magazines (here and abroad) and so much more. Please explore the links to the side. Perhaps one day I'll return to Martha Moments. The unfolding of time and life will determine that. One thing is sure: I will continue to subscribe to Martha Stewart Living magazine, to buy her books and continue to learn from such an amazing teacher.

Lastly, I would simply like to thank every single person who has ever found Martha Moments to be of interest, anyone who has found it inspiring or informative or entertaining. And I thank my 'core readers' (you know who you are!) for always, always keeping me inspired in turn! You were truly the wind in my sails! Please do stay in touch with me. With love and so many thanks for five years of beauty, joy and a myriad of Martha Moments, I bid you adieu.

Yours so sincerely, Andrew Ritchie


  1. Beautifully written, Andrew. I'll miss your posts! Good luck with your future ventures, and perhaps we'll see you back here one day soon.

  2. I am sorry to read this news, Andrew, but understand the increasing demands of hectic schedules and am grateful for the dedication and extensive work you put into this blog. Best of luck and continued success in all your endeavors.

  3. This has been, and will continue to be, one of my favorite places to visit. What you created is beautiful. I will miss your updates dearly, and I wish you all the best.

  4. Andrew, I'm so bummed! I've enjoyed your blog very much - even though I follow Martha's blog, you always brought additional insight, news, and predictions. Best of luck with your career and other pursuits! Carrie

  5. Andrew this just won't due. Some of us found your blog all too recently and now the curtains are being drawn and you are taking your bow. No other blog has even scratched the surface of what it's like to follow Martha through her numerous outlets, stores and mediums. It seems she has finally hit her stride, exploding everywhere (even on my iPad), and now more than ever we need you.

    I hope you take a well deserved rest, come to your senses once refreshed, and then resume the blog. We need you and your constant record keeping, notices, suggestions and links. WHERE are we to find all this? Certainly not on Martha's blog (I'm not entirely confident that even Martha knows how many products of hers are out there).

    Thank you for the five years of service and thank you in advance for at least another 5 (or maybe 10). MSL's new golden era has got to run out of steam at some point.

  6. What a beautiful goodbye! The big question is - what's next? Thanks for everything you have done to keep us in the know! Lots of love!

  7. Thank you, Andrew, for a most informative and interesteing blog! I will miss having my morning coffee "with" you each day! Best of luck to you and much happiness.

  8. Hello Andrew,

    I am sad to read this news...but I will stay in touch with you and of course will read your personal blog.

    Thanks for Martha's Moments!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  9. Well, I don't know really what to say/write. Making this decision cannot have been easy. I commend you in making it though, and I will pop by Andrew's blog a lot more than I have so far (Sorry!). I will start visiting posts from when you first starting Martha Moments and enjoy every post again.

    Without you, I would never know as much about Martha as I do, I would never have met Kenn or Brette and I would never have started blogging. Thank you for those wonderful gifts.


  10. Dangit! Well, the best of luck to you Andrew. I've loved reading your blog since I found you through a "Martha, Turkey Hill" google search. I will totally keep using this blog for my Martha fix, and I wish you all the best! I'm thinking about calling it quits too... my 3 readers will be crushed. OK, 2. -Renee

  11. Enjoyed reading your heartfelt post today. I was originally drawn to MS Living for the very same reasons. It's been a pleasure following your blog, and I'll miss your updates here. I have already been a follower of your personal blog, and I look forward to finding continued inspiration there. Wishing you continued success and much happiness.

  12. I am truely saddened. I read your blog faithfully and will miss it greatly. I really was in awe of how much time and effort you put into this blog because your workmanship is evident, and I can imagine that such work was, at times, draining and quite time-cosuming. But,for me, it was always a pleasure to read. I will add some new sites to my favorites list at your request. I only hope they give me a Martha fix as yours did!

    Good luck in all you do!

  13. I am bereft to read that you are saying 'good-bye' to this blog Andrew. I too am from Canada and your blog was the only place I could get my Martha fix when she moved to the Hallmark Channel (which, as you know, we don't get in Canada). Not only did I discover a place to read about Martha's goings-on I found an engaging, visually beautiful, and well-written blog that has provided so much enjoyment and creative inspiration. Thank you for that and all the best with your future endeavours.

  14. Thanks for "Martha Moments", which I have been following for the last year, or so. I enjoyed it and thought it was very readable and well done. I rejoiced when you got some recognition from Martha and had other successes. I wish you all good things going forward.

  15. NOOOOOOOO!!! Please, please PLEASE don't do this!

  16. Andrew, I'm really & truly saddened by this. Do you know that you're one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place? You have no idea how much I'm going to miss this. I wish you the best in everything!

  17. Andrew, like you I am a big Martha fan. Your blog is my daily fix and will truly miss it. Please do not stay away for so long. Love and hugs from Manila, Philippines.

  18. Andrew, thanks very much for maintaining the blog for as long as you have. I visit it at least once a day hoping that there is a new post. It's my one stop for breaking Martha news.

    I appreciate your ability to aggregate info from various sources, your editorial eye, and analysis/opinion. It will be missed tremendously. I will peruse House Blend, but I suspect the joy I got from your blog will not be replaced so easily.

    Much success with whatever you tackle in life.

    And I will continue to stop by daily hoping for that next update.

  19. We are so sad to read your post today:( It was our one stop for breaking Martha news. It will be truly missed hopefully you'll be back again one day.

  20. I want to thank you for your view on all things Martha.

  21. Oh poop. I had just discovered this blog and was loving it. But, we all need to make changes and that must be respected. I'll have fun poking around at all of your posts. Good luck with your new venture. Your dedication and talent are certainly apparent.

  22. Martha Moments was one of my alltime favorite blogs. i hate saying goodbyes but i wish you the best of luck! i'm sure your talent will come through in other sorts of virtual form, and we will all be there to see it happen.

    a fan from israel

  23. Andrew,

    "Freedom comes when you learn to let go. Creation comes when you learn to say no. There's no greater power, than the power of good bye". Madonna reminds us of our personal strength in those words.

    Here's to new beginnings, Andrew. Let your creativity flow.

    Perhaps starting with a new column called "Canadian Castles", a look into Canadian homes and sharing with us all that is greatly Canadian.

    Darrell White

  24. Wow - I'm not sure what to say! This blog will be deeply missed, Andrew, but each of us can relate to the need for change. Here's wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. :-)


  25. I think your abilities to sensitive, beautiful and expressive writing is well reflected in this farewell post, Andrew. Thank you so much for dedicating much of your time to developing this blog. I see it as a combination of your desire and attraction to the aesthetic and the domestic aside your personal ability to identify those 'good things' and convey them onwards, to others. The blog was and will remain a true source dedicated to the idea of sharing, and therefore it is a good thing in itself. I know to appreciate it. Be certain I will continue to look forward to more Martha moments within your personal blog. I have a feeling it will not take long before Martha will conquer some screen space there as well. Good Luck!

  26. Dear Andrew,
    I'll miss you. I'm glad to hear that you're keeping the blog online though for us as a reference. I certainly enjoy looking through older posts. Best wishes and I hope you come back to Martha Moments.
    Vicki from Alaska

  27. That's so sad Andrew! I just love this blog! It was part of my daily routine - give it a second thought!

  28. I've loved this blog. I will miss it greatly. Good luck to you!

  29. I've loved your blog. I will miss it greatly. Good luck to you in the future.

  30. Sorry to see you go! Your blog was wonderful!!! Good luck with whatever you do next! ;)

  31. Sarah in Tacoma WAMarch 02, 2011

    Andrew -

    When I clicked on your site today and saw the title "Saying Goodbye" my heart sank.

    I remember finding your blog 2 years ago and feeling like I finally found someone who loves Martha as much as I do and we are only a few years apart in age. I've turned into an archivist myself, collecting her brochures at Macy's, project cards at Michael's (I believe we compared notes on those once) and many more items.

    I always loved seeing your product previews, your monthly page headers and appreciated how truly professional the blog appears and how it is respected.

    I remember being so excited to watch the episode of Martha that you appeared on and thinking how much you deserved it!

    I hope that after some time off you will miss this community and come back to the "Martha-side" once again. In the meantime I will bookmark your personal blog and hope for a few Marta posts here and there.

    Please do reconsider, we'll miss you terribly.

  32. So sad to see it end but thank you for leaving the blog open. Best of luck!

  33. Alan in ScotlandMarch 03, 2011

    Hi Andrew..
    just wanted to say a quick hello and say how sad i felt to be reading your last "martha moments"..couldnt quite belive it as i sat down with my early morning coffee for a fix of your blog before i went to work today!
    I have spent most 6am coffees with your blog for the last year..they made the day worth getting up for,especially the dark cold Scottish winter ones !
    Thanks for all the elegant and beautiful blogs you have shared over the years,i will continue to enjoy them and im sure contine to read them for a long time to come...hopefully you will find your way back to them some day!
    With all best wishes for the future..from a sad Scottish fan

    kindest regards,
    Alan x

  34. Dear Andrew,
    I respect your decision to move on, but please know that you will be missed.
    Because of you, yesterday I went to Macy's to check out the Dish of the Day collection (seems it's not yet available here.) Got to check out the rest of the line, though, which I love to do from time to time. I'm going back for the darling cupcake stands (set of two, $29) when they go on sale.
    Your blog is (was) the best way of staying in touch with Martha now that I can no longer see her on TV. I didn't have cable until two months ago, when I moved from Seattle to Las Vegas. I wasn't thrilled to be forced to pay for cable, but it's part of the package at my new apartment. I told myself at least now I can see Martha again. Unfortunately, the cable company moved the Hallmark Channel to a different tier, meaning more money, so I haven't been able to see the show since she switched to cable.
    Worse, I read that the show isn't doing well in the ratings at Hallmark, and may go off the air. It's terribly disappointing.
    Like you, I'll continue to subscribe to the magazine(s) and visit Martha at Macy's, but it's not gonna be the same. Your blog wasn't just enlightening about MSLO, but about so many other people and companies (yay! Anthropologie) doing incredibly beautiful things. Your taste is impeccable, and I don't think I'm saying that just because it's so similar to mine!
    I'm sad that you're going but I will read your other blog and all that you recommend.
    Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. Martha deserved it and you deserve all the Good Things you have coming your way.
    Stephanie Cook

  35. your posts on say the homes of MS and the insight of what her motivations were made for interesting reading. But amplifying her advertising became quite tiresome because you were not being paid for your time and I for one could not understand enabling people who could not find the items for themselves i hope the withdrawal is cold turkey you need a breath of fresh air

  36. I am saddened by this. Your blog has always gave me a sense of comfort.
    Good luck to you!

  37. We will all miss your daily blog on Martha. Take good care Andrew:)

  38. This will be missed in Chicago! You were such a good source for Martha. Sometimes you told us things about Martha before I found out. This is what I will miss most. You so nice to send me info on Turkey hill--my ture Martha obsession!!

  39. Oh Andrew!
    I am so sad and am going to miss you! You were the primary source for all "new things" from Martha and will be missed greatly. But I do understand trying to balance one's life and I'm sure that tending to this blog has become more than you could have ever imagined. Just wish that someone at MSLO would give information out to the public like you do, because the Martha website doesn't really have a "what's new" section to pursue and dream over.
    Good luck with everything you do and remember that we will all miss you!

  40. I can't tell you how touched I am by these comments. It has definitely given me cause to reflect on maybe bringing Martha Moments back. But I do need some time away. Maybe I'll return with a renewed, reworked version of MM. Please do stay tuned. And thank you all so much!

  41. Thank you Andrew for such a wonderful blog. I only found out about it when you appeared on Martha's show & I have been hooked ever since. It has been wonderful getting to know more about Martha through you. I will greatly miss your wonderful posts and insights. All the best from Sydney, Australia - Luanne

  42. How sad! I JUST found your blog today!!

  43. I loved your reasons for admiring Martha Stewart...I couldn't have said it better myself

  44. Hello Andrew, I too was sad
    to read that you won't be continuing
    your Martha Moments Blog. I always
    enjoyed all of posts and pictures.
    I don't have a blog and I truly
    can only imagine all of the hard
    work that is put into one. I have
    mostly been a silent reader of yours
    and usually upon reading your blog
    I would link to Martha's blog. I
    wish you the very best with your
    future interests and I hope that
    you will come back to Martha Moments again. Thank you so
    much for leaving the blog up for
    future reference. I appreciate
    that so very much. I feel like
    I have just finished reading the
    last page of a dearly loved book.

    Good Wishes to you.

  45. Well wouldn't you just know - I stumbled across your blog just today!! It is chock-full of wonderfulness:) I'm going to enjoy browsing until you come back again! JOB WELL DONE:)

  46. Andrew,
    This came as a bit of a shock, but I do understand how the demands of a blog can become difficult. But this has never been evident in any of your postings. They have always been stylish, beautifully composed and very heartfelt. As everyone else has said already, you will be sorely missed -- until you decide to come back, because I think you'll miss it too much!!!!
    All my best (and I'll be following your other blog)

  47. Andrew, what to say. I know how regular blogging takes so much time. I feel connected with your blog and yourself because of my son. You are not afraid of telling the World who you are and to talk openly about it. You even posted a beautiful post about Gay Weddings (A Toast to the Grooms) that touched me dearly. You talked about your partner and even posted a beautiful picture of both of you. I admire you for doing that. Society is evolving but it's not where it should be yet. I want to thank you for that post.

    Back to the subject of you taking a pause, I want to tell you that I love your blog not only because it is about Martha but because of who you are. Your posts are beautiful written and it comes from the heart.

    Hope that you will come back soon. I will always be a follower of your blog.

    Have a great week-end!


  48. Helene, what a deeply moving comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm sure I'll be back at some point. :-)

  49. Darn it! My computer was on the fritz and I only just came back to this last post. Andrew, thank you for many, many memorable Martha moments and so much more. You're a gem and I will miss this!

  50. Andrew,
    Just a note to say that I still miss you. I've been reading past posts in order to get my "martha moments" fixes. I wish you nothing but the best, but wanted you to know that you're still missed.
    Vicki from Alaska

  51. Oh. Came to check on your and my breathe was sadly stolen away. It must be something in the air - I am also moving on to other things. Please leave Martha Moments in-archive - it's too beautiful to delete. And hope you come back some day to share more beauty. x
