
Last, But Not Least

Yesterday, at the grocery store, I saw the last stand-alone copy of Everyday Food peeking out at me from the little newsstand at the checkout counter. I got so nostalgic for this happy little digest that I think I might have actually sighed out loud with a triste little frown on my face. As you've heard, the magazine is shutting down its newsstand distribution and subscription services. Five issues of Everyday Food will be printed in 2013 as supplements for Martha Stewart Living subscribers. In other words, they will be 'special issues' from now on. Those with existing Everyday Food subscriptions will receive Martha Stewart Living magazine instead. Everyday Food will transfer its content online, promising more video how-tos and all the same great recipes we've come to expect.
I picked up this last newsstand copy and brought it home with me. It is a great little holiday issue: easy, fun and informative with lots of great recipes that ramp up taste while saving time. That's always a good thing.
 I still remember sending in my subscription card for this new and exciting magazine in 2003. At the time, I was still on my crusade to "Save Martha" as she underwent trial and wanted to support the company any way I could. Little did I know how much I would actually come to love this digest and rely upon it for weekend dinners with friends and family. That's the first issue, shown above, which I still have a copy of. (It will only increase in value now that the magazine has shut down, so hold on to it, collectors!) I was also always a fan of the multi-coloured stripes along the spine of the magazine. I thought it was such an ingenious and 'happy' little design motif.
STOCK UP: Fans of the magazine can still turn to the three Everyday Food cookbooks that were issued by Clarkson Potter. I have a copy of each, and my favourite is the first one, "Great Food Fast." It's bookmarked in several spots: salmon nicoise salad on page 66, coconut shrimp soup on page 186, delicious vegetable sides on page 247. For dessert, try roasted fruit, grilled chocolate sandwiches or molten chocolate cakes. This volume is also stocked with basics, from classic vinaigrettes to spice rubs to classic herb sauces, such as pesto. The other two books are wonderful, also. If you're calorie-conscious, the ''Light'' book will seriously help you make smart decisions in the kitchen without sacrificing flavour.


  1. Well has anyone seen evidence of the food channel or food magazines in the office lunch room?? Do co-workers prepare home cooked meals to lunch --are there more office pot luck meals? I wonder what it is like in office break rooms across the mealscape?? or is it a fast food carry -out- special diet and your co-workers are packing on the pounds as a result??

  2. I know the feeling I bought the last issue, though I have it on my iPad. I am glad it is staying online. I love this small magazine

  3. I am so sad about this news. :( I even leave this magazine for my weekly renters at my lake house (so they can enjoy)

    I'm going to miss it.

  4. I was disappointed for the staff when I got my notice in the mail ... they were just two shy of 100 issues!
