
Big Changes To Martha's Media Portfolio

Fans of Everyday Food and Whole Living magazines are in for some changes! Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia announced today that it is going to sell Whole Living magazine and move Everyday Food to a digital-only format, ceasing its print production next year. However, subscribers to Martha Stewart Living magazine will receive five "supplemental" print issues of Everyday Food with their subscriptions each year. (Ostensibly, these will be issues not available on newsstands.) If MSLO cannot sell Whole Living, much of its content will be folded into Martha Stewart Living magazine. Regardless, Whole Living will stop printing by the end of the year.
It is predicted that these decisions will save the company between $33-million and $35-million, annually, in production costs. These funds will be invested in new online and digital content initiatives, including more video content and new online applications.

Personally, I was never drawn to Whole Living magazine and its sale makes perfect sense to me. I'm glad that as a subscriber to Martha Stewart Living I will still have access to at least a few print editions of Everyday Food, since I really have enjoyed that little magazine over the years. Five supplemental issues with my Living subscription seems reasonable. I think Everyday Food content lends itself perfectly to online delivery methods and I'm excited to see where the company takes this brand. I'm very curious what you guys think of this news! Leave a comment!


  1. Really smart move by MSLO. I never cared for Whole Living myself and I'd love to see all that creative energy be pumped into Living.

  2. Very interesting indeed, in many ways. I find it fascinating how technology has become so big. I heard recently that Newsweek will end it's printing by the end of this year after 80 years and will switch to a digital format. I think Martha Stewart Living magazine should also have a slightly new look beginning on the new year with the January 2013 issue. Martha's name needs to be way bigger on the Living cover.

  3. Do you know if there´s an international subscription to Martha Stewart Living? I subscribe to Living and Everyday Food via Brazilian importers, and it seems I´m going to be left without these "supplemental"print issues...

  4. I love Everyday Food and take it with me to the grocery store. There's no way I'm taking my iPad shopping. What a shame.

  5. I have every issue of Everyday Food and have probably made 80% of the recipes. That said since I've become vegetarian I don't use it at all and for the past couple of years they seemed to run out of ideas (sort of like what happened with Kids).

    I'm really sad to hear about the sale of Whole Living. I used to read Body & Soul before MSLO purchased it and revamped it but I really loved what they did with it. Hopefully they will just incorporate many of the elements into Living.

  6. Good morning Andrew, It is sad to hear that, I love whole Living magazine! I am glad Everyday food will remain digital. I enjoy it a lot on iPads, though I will miss the magazine in my Library collection.
    Have awonderful weekend.

  7. Will you only be able to read Everyday Food on an iPad or is it online in general?

  8. Chissie, they're going to increase its web presence somehow - probably with a new website with video streaming, blogs, etc. They will also still produce it for iPad, plus five print issues a year for Martha Stewart Living subscribers.

  9. It would of been honorable to have mentioned that Everyday Food will no longer be in print when my recent subscription renewal was received and paid for. How do I get my money back?

    For what it's worth, I think this is horrible news. Not everyone has an Ipad thing.

  10. A sign of the times.. I'm not surprised that Whole Living is up for sale - I was taken back with the news about Everyday Food. I think it's just a matter of time before we see print versions of magazines go by the wayside with the ever increasing number of people using digital as their 'go to' source for information.

    Contained with in the same news release was a hint of the "Countdown to Christmas" (online) video series. I'm excited and interested to see what it's like!

  11. Whole living a dog? (to be sold off) Is EF a cash cow? Digital well what if the electricity goes out. Look at your local power co. can they handle a disaster-- your area disaster= flood snow wind fire ?? how is your local infrastructure?? how old is it???. Local taxes pay for services will your town be the next Herculaneum?

  12. I'm guessing there isn't a Martha Stewart Holiday magazine for 2012?

  13. No Holiday issue so far. And I'm not getting my hopes up.

  14. I personally enjoy Martha Stewart for her holiday inspiration only. A few years ago, I got a year long subscription to Living but then decided to just pick up the October, November, and December issues of Living every year instead. If for whatever reason Living ended it's print run in the future, I would be happy with a Martha Stewart Halloween magazine and a Martha Stewart Holiday magazine, yearly. I feel those to be collectable considering they are thicker and there are no advertisements in them. I'd like to see a Martha Stewart Thanksgiving magazine someday, of all her best Thanksgiving ideas.

  15. I don't think EF has been that great lately. I love Whole Living, as I feel like MSL has become too pretentious. What with the story on Alexis' apartment, and the birthday party for the baby at Perry Street, it just doesn't speak to many people at all, particularly during a recession. I think they're making a magazine for themselves.

  16. It's amazing to see MSLO go in reverse and downsize...Martha has her new show as before with no audience etc... I really wish it would turn into the Living show again and a return to Martha By Mail with be an amazing treat! In the meantime I am enjoying all the Living shows uploaded on martha stewart.com!

    Jeff :)
