
The Return Of The Beekman Boys!

Tonight marks the television return of the Beekman Boys! Season two of their hit show "The Fabulous Beekman Boys" which originally aired on Planet Green will now air on The Cooking Channel, starting tonight. If the show is a hit, The Cooking Channel may produce a third season of the show, so please tune in to watch. You can also catch Brent and Josh on season 21 of The Amazing Race, which premiers Sunday, September 30th on CBS at 8 pm. 'The Boys' will be competing against 10 other teams to win $2-million - a prize that increased this season from $1-million - as they journey across three continents, nine countries and covering more than 25,000 miles. I can't wait to watch!
Josh and Brent continue to inspire us with their pursuit of self-sustained living and brand development at their beautiful farm in Sharon Springs, New York. The Beekman mansion is shown above. They are still touring the country to promote their wonderful Beekman 1802 line of goat-milk soaps, cheeses, books and preserves and recently rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange! They also recently hosted the Sharon Springs Harvest Festival, a celebration they devised a few years ago to help put their beloved town on the map and foster a sense of community. I have always loved and admired what they've done and I couldn't be happier about their return to television!
By the way, I write a weekly column on their website called Five Beautiful Things. Please check it out each Thursday night! 


  1. Thanks! I wish we can view the show in Canada.

  2. Helene, at least we'll be able to see them on the Amazing Race!
