
The September Issue

It may be a month away, but the September issue of Martha Stewart Living is popping up in subscriber mailboxes across North America! What was once called "The Decorating Issue" is now called "The Home Issue" - offering a plethora of design advice and inspiration. This year, it's all about bold colour and easy makeovers to give the busiest rooms in your house a seasonal refresh. Martha is shown on the cover with her granddaughter, Jude, at Alexis Stewart's beautiful Manhattan apartment. (Readers will get an exclusive look!) Watch for the September issue on newsstands in a couple of weeks.


  1. Martha is looking fab in her skinny jeans!

  2. love the cover!

  3. Bill--ChicagoAugust 02, 2012

    Mine came yesterday! It seems they come erlier and erlier each month. I have not had a proper read of the August issue yet. It is all good anyways.

  4. I'm sorry, why is she not looking at the child, holding interacting with the child and -- but the camera?
    Is that what a cover has to be looking at the potential reader?

  5. Oh Anonymous! You continue to have issues with nearly everything. I think this cover may be one of the best. It is more natural. Also, Alexis has never shown the children's faces on her blog and maybe this is the reason for the cover being like this.

    I think it looks great. I love the September issues.

  6. Yes, it was a split-second snapshot of Martha looking at the camera. Doesn't mean she doesn't love and cuddle her granddaughter. Please!

  7. The question remains- a cover photo-- the psychology behind such a thing, should a cover always have the model looking at the camera-- does that result in more sales? models in commercial work often are engaged with the product. May I gently remind the readers that Jude has had surguries and well out of deference to the child her face is understandably shielded for security, privacy, and the like. I was just commenting If home is where the heart is......Anyway I was not there and did not realize that the best image as a result of the photo shoot was a split second snapshot. It was more Toys r us to me then home -- why is a critique debate not on the points raised but rather lines drawn lovers vs haters I am not a Martha hater I question the editorial decisions and that can be a good thing -- gee Alexis has always complained about her mother I wonder what she thinks about the cover that I want to know

  8. OMG just left reading a great article abbout how MS and Jenny Hutt's dad became a business tour de force. The tv show about rehabbing a house with ex cons was scrapped because she can't associate with ex-felons -- well Alexis could ---she has construction experience her first blog documented the process of creating her current home she would be a great host for a house show a kid friendly Alexis cold be a spin off everyone should read it and develop a broader perspective (o there u go again anon)
