
Happy Fourth of July!

I'd like to wish all the American readers a very Happy Fourth of July! A full 84% of Martha Moments readers are from the United States, as is the inspiration for this blog: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. and its lovley founder. Nearly every year, since the age of 10, I have ventured south of the border from Canada at least once, sometimes for business but mostly for pleasure. Usually, I travel to places like New York and the Northeast states, but sometimes I venture as far south as the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. I have yet to explore the west coast of the United States, but it's on my list: the glamorous state of California, the majestic mountain ranges and sweeping prairies. There is so much to discover in that great land. Below are some extremely festive desserts from Martha Stewart, all inspired by the American flag. To get the recipes, click here. Happy Fourth, America!


  1. AnonymousJuly 04, 2012

    Thank you Andrew, u r a peach. I was a nay sayer take a break uncompensated monetarily that u r ( blogger U) but this brings you happiness and the pursuit of happiness is the Touchstone of the US declaration of Independence. Bueno Quatro Julio

  2. Beautiful and delicious!
