
Our Little Place Celebrates 3 Years of Us

On this day, three years ago, my partner and I moved to Toronto from Ottawa to pursue new career goals and new adventures as a couple. It was a big move for us: a five-hour drive in a big truck with all our belongings stowed in the back, just the two of us. We settled in a small apartment in a 1940s building in the north end of the city, near shopping, parks, public transit and Yonge Street, Toronto's landmark throughway. While we do not intend to stay here forever, we have enjoyed this quiet one-bedroom immensely. Below are some glimpses into the little place your Martha Moments blogger calls home.


  1. Love your blog which I've only recently discovered. I adore that mirror on the left in the second row! Is it vintage or can you let me know where to get it? Anna

  2. Your home is just like I imagined it would be. I can't believe that three years have passed so quickly!

  3. Thank you, Anna! The mirror is from Anthropologie. It's called the Standing Medallion Mirror.

  4. Your place is as beautiful and well designed. I very relaxing and serene environment.

  5. I can't believe it either, Pru! Those years were packed with activity. So much happened in that time. (Thanks for the nice comments, everyone.)

  6. That is beautiful Andrew love your place you have a great taste. Best wishes.

  7. I pinned images of your home on pinterest. Have a wonderful weekend

  8. You're so cute, Rowaida! Thank you! I'm no Kevin Sharkey, but...
