
Alexis Welcomes Her Second Child!

Just a day before her daughter, Jude, celebrated her first birthday, Alexis Stewart became the mother of a second child on March 7th to a healthy baby boy she named Truman. He, like Jude, was born through a surrogate. Alexis's long road to motherhood has been a difficult one and we sincerely wish her and her new family all the best! Congratulations!
Alexis photographed with Jude last summer for People magazine.


  1. Wow!! That's great!! Congratulations Alexis!!! :D

  2. I had no idea. That's wonderful, good for her!

  3. I am 43 and we've been trying to conceive with doctors' help for 3.5 years. My struggle has left me totally empty in the pit of my soul. The sweetest music to my ears is hearing about hard-faught successes after long struggles to conceive. I have an inkling of what Alexis has gone through and experienced and I couldn't be more thrilled for her to achieve the most beautiful and precious gift of motherhood. Congratulations to the new mom and grandma again!! And thanks so much to Alexis for sharing her tough journey so publicly and honestly. Valerie C.

  4. AnonymousJune 20, 2013

    Val c, have u ever thought about donor eggs or adoption. It took us 11 years to carry a child. Sometimes adoption or donor eggs or surrogacy has better odds if u don't want the adoption route. Good luck
