
Free Holiday Clip-Art

In the December issue of Martha Stewart Living there are a few stories that feature some pretty incredible gift tags, labels and stickers. I've always been a fan of beautifully designed gift wrapping, and an even bigger fan when it's free! Thankfully, the editors and illustrators at Martha Stewart Living understand this, and have designed quite a wide selection of downloadable templates and cutouts for the gift-wrapping season. Click here to see a full list of templates and DIY tags. Click here to see the candy label gallery. Below are my favourites.
Adhere chocolate and hazelnut flavor stamps to a button-closure envelope for a package of chocolate-hazelnut toffee sure to delight its recipient. For other brittles and barks, use these flavor stamps: dried cherries and orange zest; wafer cookies; crisped rice; macadamia nuts and lime zest; pretzels, raisins, and peanuts; peanut butter; peppermint; coconut flakes, pistachios, and dried cranberries; and graham crackers and marshmallows.

This pistachio, dried cranberry, and toasted coconut bark is a riff on the classic holiday fruit-and-nut combo. Use our wooden box template or regular box template and bands to create gourmet-looking treats to give away as gifts.

For a warm gift, fill a mug with cocoa mix, then print a "Warm Wishes for the Season" sticker on adhesive paper.

Personalize gifts with a grand monogram made by printing our 26-letter clip art onto card stock. Print the Monogram Gift Tag Clip Art

Print these cheerful message clip art on adhesive paper or card stock (use a 1/8-inch hole punch to hang a tag), and cut out with a 2-inch round punch.

Get groovy with these red and green "Happy Holidays" clip-art tags. Write to-from details on the back, punch a hole, and hang.

Ready to spread the spirit? Buy your favorite wine by the case, print these custom wine labels, and bestow friends with some liquid cheer. Just pick your label below, print on adhesive-backed paper, cut, and stick them to the bottles (they peel off easily).
Print the Making Spirits Bright Wine Labels
Print the Drink and Be Merry! Wine Labels
Print the Cheers to the New Year! Wine Labels

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