
Four Years Online

On this day, four years ago it dawned on me to start a blog about Martha Stewart. I don't remember what the exact spark was that brought me to the computer that day. She was back to work after her stint at Alderson and my years as a "Save Martha" editor and writer were over, but I still had so much to say about my favourite entrepreneur! It was a simple, rudimentary little blog with bits and pieces of Martha's history and various news items. I didn't update it often and I wasn't even sure how long I would keep it going. And yet something kept me posting, some insatiable need to collect and archive and document and share the things I loved about Martha's company, her books and magazines and the core content themes she so passionately discusses. Four years later Martha Moments has become something of an unofficial go-to source for all things Martha, which I'm very proud of. I'd like to thank my friend Kenn, too, who was the first person to write to me about my blog just a few months after I started it. He had recognized my name from the Save Martha website and since those days he has been very helpful to me, not to mention such a fantastic supporter. He is my 'best' reader in that I use him as a standard. If Kenn is happy, I'm happy. It's been a really fun four years and this year has certainly gotten off to a great start! I ought to make myself a yarn card to celebrate!


  1. Congratulations, Andrew on your 4 year anniversary!
    I've enjoyed watching MM grow over the years.
    Sending a virtual yarn card!

  2. Congratulations!!! I LOVE your site. I'll admit I when I get on my computer in morning I check Martha Moments before marthastewart.com Your site has really become THE site of the most up to date information. Thank you!

  3. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary and a job well done!

  4. From London, I send you congratulatory wishes on celebrating the fourth anniversary of your blog! I have been following this blog (almost daily) for a couple of years, and you do a superb job.

    Congratulations Andrew.

  5. Andrew, has it really been four years?! I read your posts each and every day - it has become part of my morning routine. Thanks for all that you share, and here's to many, many more years of Martha Moments! :-)



  6. Yes, me too. Congratulations Andrew! Keep up the great work.

  7. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary !!


  8. Carillon in PhoenixMarch 09, 2010

    Congratulations, Andrew! I had forgotten when I first found your site, but it must have been shortly after you started...I've followed you ever since, and really enjoyed seeing you on Martha!

  9. Sarah in WAMarch 09, 2010

    I am so glad I found this site a few years ago. I finally found someone who was into the details of Martha like I am.

    I also appreciate that the site is mostly positive and we all love Martha for her quirks and imperfections, few may they be.

    It really is my go to site, along with Kenn's site, for Martha news and a bit of comfort that there are others out there like me. :)

  10. Congrats, Andrew! I'm glad this year started out with something of a reward for all your hard work and dedication to all things Martha. Speaking of which, did you receive your basket with Martha's new line of cleaning supplies which she gave you on her show? you said they were going to send it to you after you returned home.

  11. Thanks, everyone, so much!! All of you are so wonderful. It's great to have such interested readers! Pru, Kevin and Carillon are other longtime readers and your consistent support has been so great!

  12. Andrew,
    Congratulations - I too am a devoted reader and (don't tell Martha) but often I read your blog first to see what's happening with Martha. I love your concise reporting of all things Martha and I love your personal insights and comments. Your columns on non-Martha topics are well done too.
    best wishes for many more years to come!

  13. I love your blog. Congrats and thanks for all the great info.
