Let's face it; November can be bleak. All those gray days, the sprinkling of sleet and the icy breezes can leave even the happiest among us feeling a little dull. But there is much to be enjoyed this month, not the least of which is all the preparation for Thanksgiving on the 26th. (Yes, I know, I'm Canadian and celebrated Thanksgiving in October, but who's to say I can't live vicariously through all of you?)
One of my favourite magazines to read in the fall months is Country Living - both the U.S. and the British versions. I have a slight preference for the British version, mainly because it is larger, glossier and a bit more glamorous, but both editions are fine reading material this time of year. There is something about the styling of those gorgeous photographs (the outdoor settings, especially) that enables me to suck it up and simply enjoy these crisp, cool days for all they're worth.
I've compiled some November inspiration from the pages of the British Country Living magazine. I hope they liven the senses and spark the urge to spend some time outdoors this month.
The photos are beautiful, Andrew! I'll have to look for the British edition at Borders or Barnes and Noble. Fabulous!