
Martha's Fabulous Costume

Martha's Halloween costume this year (at least on the cover of the new Halloween special issue on newsstands now) is that of a ghoulish equestrienne. Having risen from the dead, she is on the prowl in the woods of Bedford, moving silently through the mist on her black steed! Below are images from the special issue magazine that depict Martha's elegantly sinister costume.

To make this costume you will need basic sewing supplies, about 9 yards of black taffeta, 1 1/2 yards of 1 1/2-inch-wide black ribbon (for the cape), a top hat, 1 yard of millinery netting, 1 yard of black tulle, 1 2/3 yards of 1 1/2-inch-wide gray ribbon (for the hat), 1 black ostrich feather, fabric glue, and 2/3 yards of white cotton shirting. To learn how to make the costume, see page 82 of the new magazine.


  1. I heard somewhere that Halloween is Martha's all-time favorite holiday. She totally knows how to go all-out for Halloween. :)

    I just started reading your blog, and it's awesome to know that there are so many Martha fans out there! :)

    My blog is mostly about food and baking, but a few weeks ago I did a post about "Whatever, Martha!" on the Fine Living Network. http://www.thedailyv.com/?p=217

    BTW - reading your blog has reminded me that I need to get a subscription to Martha Stewart Living ASAP. :)

  2. Martha looks fabulous, does she not?
    The issue itself is wonderful. It's very much a 'classic' Martha special issue in design. A nice throwback to the earlier years!

  3. awesome photos! she's almost a style icon!
